Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 194,450,763 Issue: 768 | 10th day of Awakening, Y19
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by soccergirl101397

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Great stories!


Welcome to White River: Part Two
Buried somewhere under there was a notepad on which he had written "MAYORAL CANDIDATES" in large block letters. Try as he might, he could only think of one name that really fit what was best for the town. Underneath the title he'd jotted down the name that had haunted him from the moment she'd come into town. Portia Provoskia.

by hzoo_26


Help Wanted
Help still wanted.

Also by kevinthinksyourcute

by whssoftball11


Celebrating Lennies: The Underrated
As celebration commences, I believe we should all take a moment to look back through Neopia’s history and honor some of the most underrated (and often forgotten) Lennies of our time!

by butterflybandage


The Valentine’s Day Which Was Plagued by a Villain
Walda, however, had decided to stay behind—she had an idea. The other students' candy was sitting on their desks, just waiting to be eaten. Filled with avarice, she started to wolf down everyone else's chocolate, blissfully hopping from desk to desk.

by _brainchild_

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