A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,489,154 Issue: 769 | 17th day of Awakening, Y19
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword cool_zafara96

Week - 769

Sloth and Juhdora's Valentine Disaster
by cool_zafara96
Description: Wow... That's a bit embarrassing!

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The Meuke Family Stories
This is the story of a family composed of five young Neopets: Timysh, Ingelen, Mierlyn, Lecolly and Francielli.

by meuke_meuke


Sloth and Juhdora's Valentine Disaster
Wow... That's a bit embarrassing!

by cool_zafara96


Somehow, in some way, you have to get through until you can curl up in bed and lose yourself from the world. You can do it, you tell yourself. You did it yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, and the day before. You have to do it.

by meadows_lark


The Conflict On Kreludor
I'm going to be breaking down the multiple sections of history of this planet to give a greater understanding of Neopia's outer world and how it plays into the politics happening down on the ground.

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Never Insult the Obvious

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