Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 194,489,154 Issue: 769 | 17th day of Awakening, Y19
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword fleohr

Week - 769

Modern Farmer's Daily Life
by fleohr
Description: Those farming games can be tough...

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Great stories!


The Conflict On Kreludor
I'm going to be breaking down the multiple sections of history of this planet to give a greater understanding of Neopia's outer world and how it plays into the politics happening down on the ground.

Also by erai

by alienigenosidad


Somehow, in some way, you have to get through until you can curl up in bed and lose yourself from the world. You can do it, you tell yourself. You did it yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, and the day before. You have to do it.

by meadows_lark


Sloth and Juhdora's Valentine Disaster
Wow... That's a bit embarrassing!

by cool_zafara96


Time Sensitive Avatars
Most Neopians are aware of the elusive seasonal avatars only after they pass, causing sadness and tears. Hopefully this guide to different time sensitive avatars can help alleviate some of the heartbreak associated with missing such coveted avatars.

Also by djleclair

by blackroseofwisdom


Return to Lynwood: Part One
Of course Terra was a grown owner, but Isengrim could not help but dote on her. She had saved him from himself, showed him the utmost kindness and patience when he was at his worst, and inspired him to have the strength to change, and for that he owed her the world. But he had yet to figure out a way to obtain the world for her, so for now he would make do with being the best Neopet he could be for her.

by cosmicfire918

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