Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,489,154 Issue: 769 | 17th day of Awakening, Y19
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword keruza

Week - 766

A Witty Draik
by keruza
Description: A Draik faces a huge problem when Jhudora steals her necklace.

Week - 767

Why does this always happen?
by keruza
Description: Think before you speak and you might avoid an awkward situation!

Week - 769

Playing Tangram
by keruza
Description: A Nimmo that is not so good at guessing.

Week - 768

Happy Valentine's Day
by keruza
Description: From your secret admirer :)

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Great stories!


Never Insult the Obvious

by littlegirlydude


Welcome to White River: Part Three
She breathed in slowly, steeling herself as she entered. She could feel the change in the air as she entered, as heads slowly began to turn and stare. She spotted Enid, wearing a kilt and a dark brown shirt, a long swath of tartan fabric draping down her shoulder across her chest. She smiled, and gave Portia a thumbs up.

by hzoo_26


Return to Lynwood: Part One
Of course Terra was a grown owner, but Isengrim could not help but dote on her. She had saved him from himself, showed him the utmost kindness and patience when he was at his worst, and inspired him to have the strength to change, and for that he owed her the world. But he had yet to figure out a way to obtain the world for her, so for now he would make do with being the best Neopet he could be for her.

by cosmicfire918


Made by Slorg?
The new trend...

by janderson_lee


Country Cousin
Reggie had just gotten there and he already wanted to go home. He hadn’t wanted to come to Meridell in the first place but Mother had insisted. So here the orange Gelert was.

by 77thbigby

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