A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,549,696 Issue: 772 | 10th day of Running, Y19
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword alienspacefairy

Week - 704

Neohow: To Become a Great Artist
by alienspacefairy
Description: So you want to become an artist? That’s understandable, you’re probably reading this because the title drew you in? Ha-ha... Get it?! *shakes head* Ok never mind... Anyway before you become the next big thing like Pablo De’ Kiko there are a few things you should know about the arts.

Week - 712

Holiday Neopets
by alienspacefairy
Description: Oh, the moment every Neopian has been waiting for is finally approaching. Stockings are lined against the edges of the fireplace, Jazzmosis Christmas music floods the air, a large ornamented evergreen Christmas tree stands in the corner of every Neopian’s living room, and a fresh batch of cookies rest on a plate next to a glass of milk on the table. The night has come for Santa Claus to plop down the chimney and deliver gifts, bringing joy to thousands of Neopets and spreading smiles when they wake the next morning.

Week - 726

Tails of the Crypt - The Tale of the Toymaker
by alienspacefairy
Description: His workshop, for the most part, was out of the sight of the general population, and it was generally deserted. Then, one day, during a particularly harsh snowstorm, a Neopet named Bob strayed off from their hiking trail and stumbled onto the first lit building they saw. A knock on the door shattered the silence, making Edward jump out of his skin.

Also by likelife96

Week - 729

History of Neopian Fashion.
by alienspacefairy
Description: Fashion is more than just style and trends. Fashion is about creation and self-expression. Fashion is influenced by weather, culture, wars, and the economy. It is ever-changing and evolving, to appropriately suit our times. So you may be asking yourself where exactly did it all begin?

Week - 733

Five Most Enjoyable Neopian Memories
by alienspacefairy
Description: The feeling I had the moment of receiving my avatars was of elation and feeling on top of Neopia. So I decided to take my sentiments a step forward and see what are some of the highlights and memories other Neopians will always cherish.

Week - 772

by alienspacefairy
Description: The year was young, and two Skeiths sat at a round red oak table adjacent to each other. The older Skeith with a plumper belly and blue body wasted no time devouring his hash and potatoes, while the emerald Skeith hadn’t touched his silver embroidered Shenkuuware yet. Instead, he sat stiffly with his nose buried in a book.

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Yet Another Reason to Become a Royal
Uh...I guess...

by my_bento_box


King Of The Castle - Castle Battles Guide
This guide will serve as a way for you to maximize your score and help you to easily destroy King Skarl's castle, hopefully earning you a brand new trophy for your cabinet. I want to take you through the history and past of the game as well and give a little background as to why Skarl and Hagan are battling.

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by alienigenosidad


Bowl of Sandwiches
It was a Monday. No customers. Nothing to restock. Nothing to do. Kayla sat alone in her potion shop, waiting for some form of entertainment. There had been a drought of potion ingredients in Meridell all weekend, and Kayla was unprepared for business. “I should just go on a vacation.”

by icanhaskaila


The Royal Coronation
When the Defenders of Neopia announced that a branch was coming to Brightvale in the near future, nearly everyone was excited about the prospects as it meant new jobs being available, and there would be plenty of opportunities.

by lupe_hunter_7


Dear Sally
How do I even begin to write to her after all these years? What would she even think of me?

by parody_ham

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