Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 194,561,505 Issue: 775 | 31st day of Running, Y19
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword ktseas

Week - 775

The Dainty Nipper
by ktseas

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The Shadow Man's Game
It was 3 years ago that same night, with the shining moon high in the sky that he disappeared into The Haunted Woods...

by sindria_trace


Uncrowned: Part 6
Together, we were unstoppable.

by mucka33


When the Kads Get Picky
I got ya something!

by butterflybandage


Before the Rise
The speckled Xweetok didn’t mean to explode the stupid little Bruce’s pencil case. But he’d insulted her glasses, and everyone seemed to forget that part. And then the pencil case exploded completely on its own!

Also by princesspesa98

by erroro


Early April's Fools
It's still not April's Fools!! I swear!!

by paraxeno_daimonio

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