A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,561,505 Issue: 775 | 31st day of Running, Y19
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword paraxeno_daimonio

Week - 770

A Mynci Day is not easy
by paraxeno_daimonio
Description: Ugh.. not again..

Week - 771

New Paint Brush: Ice Cream Usul
by paraxeno_daimonio
Description: Or is it just an Uni?

Week - 774

Gelert's Dailies
by paraxeno_daimonio
Description: He must be tired now..

Week - 775

Early April's Fools
by paraxeno_daimonio
Description: It's still not April's Fools!! I swear!!

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Early April's Fools
It's still not April's Fools!! I swear!!

by paraxeno_daimonio


Do You Believe In Magic: Part Three
As strange as the rest of his journey had been thus far, this felt like real magic. The rest could have been pre-arranged, actors stationed at various points in the subterranean caverns for some unknowable reason, but this…this couldn’t have been done naturally. This was his wish come true. This was adventure.

by emblo93


Top Five Most Challenging Neopets
What better way to turn your life upside-down than by adopting a new family member? And for those who like to push themselves to the max, here’s a list of the Top Five Most Challenging Neopets to raise.

by nikibogwater


Before the Rise
The speckled Xweetok didn’t mean to explode the stupid little Bruce’s pencil case. But he’d insulted her glasses, and everyone seemed to forget that part. And then the pencil case exploded completely on its own!

Also by princesspesa98

by erroro


Good Guy Chadley
They'll never know!

by anne77777

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