White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,561,505 Issue: 775 | 31st day of Running, Y19
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Early April's Fools

by paraxeno_daimonio

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When the Kads Get Picky
I got ya something!

by butterflybandage


Storing Your Abominable Snowball
So what is the best way to store your Abominable Snowball for the warmer weather, and what are the optimal ways to care for him or her during the winter months to prepare them for the days ahead? That's what I'm here for!

by alyseth


Before the Rise
The speckled Xweetok didn’t mean to explode the stupid little Bruce’s pencil case. But he’d insulted her glasses, and everyone seemed to forget that part. And then the pencil case exploded completely on its own!

Also by princesspesa98

by erroro


Donny and Neopia’s Un-Repairable Items
Up in the cold, stormy peaks of Terror Mountain sits a simple little Toy Repair Shop run by a red Bori named Donny. Donny is one of the most skilled craftsman, as he has spent many years forging toys and repairing all the well-loved items people bring to him.

by doglover3662

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