Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 194,573,185 Issue: 776 | 7th day of Eating, Y19
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword fippinator

Week - 774

A Villain's Style
by fippinator
Description: Villains are those who strive to be evil, who want to commit crime and create general havoc in Neopia and cause despair to all. Who in their right mind would want to be like that? Actually...many do! Or at least they want to look like villains.

Week - 775

Advice Column
by fippinator
Description: I've rummaged through the Neoboards trying to find the most needy Neopians so that I can help them solve all their problems! They've written directly to me with some issues and I have published them all here so maybe you can take something away from it too! Without further ado, here's my advice!

Week - 776

Dear Fippinator: Daily Dare Edition!
by fippinator
Description: These questions were all gathered anonymously, Neopians far and wide shouting at me on the street hoping to get some advice on their most pressing issues. I'm not an expert by any means but I do what I can!

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Being a baby

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NCvesting: Your Guide to Neocash Investments
The Neocash marketplace functions like an economy, where investments are a chief source of success. I have devised and practice three key strategies that help accumulate investment capital!

by 34524


Shellshock'd! REBORN p5
Ze plan is complete.

by krabbox


Regrets of a Ghostkerchief
Cutest RE ever!

by xsugarush


First Day of School
As the Mynci giggled and walked away, Claylan frowned and shook his head. It was going to be one of those days. The first day of school was always like this—he should have expected as much.

by carizeecrow

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