Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,677,420 Issue: 786 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y19
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We found the following 16 result(s) for the keyword butterflybandage

Week - 759

Neggsweeper: A Pro's Guide
by butterflybandage
Description: By the end of this guide, you should not only be able to understand the basics of Neggsweeper, but be on your way to being a Neggsweeper master!

Week - 764

How To Celebrate Sloth Day
by butterflybandage
Description: As we all know, the 14th day of Sleeping is dedicated to the greatest, most evilest (and handsomest!) villain in all of Neopia – the great Dr. Sloth! With thousands of forced Grundo minions and crazed fans, what can YOU do to set yourself apart and celebrate this devilishly good-looking evil scientist?

Week - 768

Celebrating Lennies: The Underrated
by butterflybandage
Description: As celebration commences, I believe we should all take a moment to look back through Neopia’s history and honor some of the most underrated (and often forgotten) Lennies of our time!

Week - 769

Chias: A Lupe’s Perspective
by butterflybandage
Description: I thought long and hard about one peculiar thing: what makes these Chias so doggone popular with Lupes?

Week - 770

Guilds 101
by butterflybandage
Description: But what exactly is a guild—and why is everyone trying to convince you to join one?

Week - 773

How It Felt Getting My Dream Pet
by butterflybandage
Description: If you’ve been around Neopets very long, you’ll notice there are lots of different pet species (fifty-five to be exact) and many color options (over seventy!). And, if you’re like most Neopians, one of those magic combinations will be your absolute, utter favorite, one that you’re set on obtaining. That, friend, is what we call a dreamie.

Week - 771

The Curious Cases of Scamandre the Mage
by butterflybandage
Description: Scamandre’s job, as the plaque above his desk boasted, was to act as “pest control” and do something about those pesky Petpets. Yet, in this moment, he was mentally cursing the day he ever left home to study magic.

Week - 774

Typing Terror: Tips & Tricks
by butterflybandage
Description: Below, I’ll go over the point system, level breakdown, and tips that will guarantee you those necessary 3,600 points for the avatar!

Week - 775

When the Kads Get Picky
by butterflybandage
Description: I got ya something!

Week - 778

Kougras: The Colors Edition
by butterflybandage
Description: As we get ready to prepare for Kougra Day, the wondrous day that celebrates Kougras of all shapes and sizes, it might be a fun idea to change up your Kougra!

Week - 779

The Real Reason Wizards Have Beards
by butterflybandage
Description: I knew there was a reason...

Week - 780

Achieving Through Account Improvement
by butterflybandage
Description: So get a nice cup of borovan, grab a notepad and a pen, and let’s get started on seeing how you can go from drab to glam by improving YOUR account!

Week - 781

The Gender Zap
by butterflybandage
Description: Just like that!

Week - 782

Kelp: Worth the Price?
by butterflybandage
Description: Is the hype surrounding Maraqua warranted? Is this restaurant actually the best restaurant in Maraqua … and is it worth the cost?

Week - 785

AC XII: The Haunted Woods Interview
by butterflybandage
Description: As this year’s Altador Cup beings with a bang, I decided to follow my journalistic urges to pursue an interview with the best team yet, Haunted Woods (of course, that’s completely subjective, but still—HAUNTED WOODS FOR LIFE!).

Week - 786

Nimmo Day: The Bad & The Worse
by butterflybandage
Description: It’s a new day—and what better way to spend your morning reading The Neopian Times than celebrating those insanely zen Nimmos?

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Smells Like Team Spirit
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The Altador Cup: Avoiding Rest Day Boredom
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Snowager Stakeout
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Yooyuball Dreams: Part Three
The parade had only just started for the people standing at the beginning, and the team was the final group to go through, so it would be a while before they reached the two friends. Marcia was full of nerves as she clutched her shoulder bag with Xana the Yooyu inside of it.

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Altador Cup Fan
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