Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 194,677,420 Issue: 786 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y19
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword rivera_ice_princess

Week - 783

Altador Cup (Q&A: Team Altador)
by rivera_ice_princess
Description: One of our reporters managed to obtain a rather remarkable opportunity to get the inside scoop of some of the players for this year’s Cup.

Week - 784

Altador Cup (Q&A: Team Moltara)
by rivera_ice_princess
Description: Our trusted reporter, Shen wasted no time in heading towards the heart of Moltara…. though, we probably should have mentioned the heat….

Week - 786

Q&A: Team Darigan Citadel
by rivera_ice_princess
Description: This week’s Altador Cup exclusive will be presented directly to you, through our very own; Shen.

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Preparing for the Festival of Neggs.
Um..That's Not A Negg.

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Shop Wizard Tricks
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Defender Scarlet Shadow in the Robots of Heart: Part Two
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Grave Danger Delights
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