Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,738,244 Issue: 790 | 21st day of Swimming, Y19
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Week - 790

Symol Hole
by lepetitpoulet
Description: What you don't see.

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A Gift from the Heart
He was busy thinking up of a present for Valerie, a childhood friend who would be celebrating her birthday in two days. He watched as the wind gently combed the grass fields under the feet of wooden and concrete houses but inspiration did not come to him.

by pale_baron


This isn't what was supposed to happen!!!

by sailorini_1


Spot the Difference! Vol #3
Can your eyes spy the 10 differences in this new eyeball busting series?

by snwarren


What A Coincidence
Uh oh...

by jjensen688


The Sun and the Moon
There are a lot of things he’d always assumed would disappear from his life once…well, once his life itself disappeared. Or, really, what his life was before because he’s still here even after it’s been long gone.

by hshtagcoffee

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