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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword ayakae

Week - 773

The Kaddicted Experience
by ayakae
Description: Out of all the things I’ve experienced through my years in Neopets, one thing remains constant: my love for feeding Kadoaties.

Also by mystical_skydragon

Week - 777

Beginner's Guide to Font-Making, #1!
by ayakae
Description: This series of articles will basically consist of the basic rules of font-making, etiquette, and guidelines to help you have the font you want. So, without further ado, let’s get started with the first topic, the basics!

Week - 779

Beginner's Guide to Font-Making, #2!
by ayakae
Description: Hello again! My name is Aya and I’m back to tell you even more tips and tricks to get the font you want on the Neoboards.

Week - 791

Beginner's Guide to Font-Making, #3!
by ayakae
Description: Hello, and welcome to the third installment of the Beginner’s Guide to Font Making series!

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Style Guide: Ruki Day
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this week's edition of Style Guide. This week, break out the streamers and cake, because July 29th is Ruki Day!

by ilovezacandhsm


An Extensive Look at the NeoLodge
We get it. After taking care of your Neopets for such a long time, sometimes you need a break.

by sherlockpwns


Journey through the Centre of Neopia: Part Two
Koris opened his eyes reluctantly and saw a yellow and green blur against a brown blur. Then the image snapped clear and he sat up. “Kauwyn!”

by kaioti


Ten Ways to Add Color to the Grey Faerie's Life
Though some can find her depressing demeanor off-putting, I just see someone that could use a big of cheering up. So, of course, I decided to write something to inspire others to help bring color back to the Grey Faerie's world.

Also by madiwoo

by somethingsosurreal


Dress up with LadyNibs: Part 1
5-Part Series: 1 of 5

by flopalop

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