Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,824,992 Issue: 797 | 15th day of Gathering, Y19
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword trixietrotter

Week - 745

If the Forgotten Shore Really Forgotten?
by trixietrotter
Description: If you’re an avid adventurer you’ve probably know about the Forgotten Shore. It’s that lonely stretch of beach on Krawk Island that presents Neopians with the chance to pick up items of considerable worth. But all this begs the question; if there is a cache of hidden wealth on this shore, is it really forgotten?

Week - 747

Overlooked Neopians: The Soup Faerie
by trixietrotter
Description: But as the Faerie Festival approaches it’s time to begin to celebrate the Faeries and all they do to aid Neopia. But amongst the Space Faerie, Fountain Faerie and all the rest there is one faerie that frequently goes overlooked.

Week - 748

Overlooked Neopians: Kauvara
by trixietrotter
Description: In the heart of the Neopian shopping district is Kauvara’s Magic Shop. The owner and shopkeeper of Neopia’s most popular Magic Shop is the titular Kauvara. Kauvara works tirelessly to open the doors of her shop each morning and provide Neopian consumers with top quality magical items and potions.

Week - 749

Overlooked: Taelia the Snow Faerie
by trixietrotter
Description: The Faerie Festival is still approaching and there’s still time to take a look at one special faerie. On the very top of Terror Mountain is an igloo that is home to Taelia the Snow Faerie. She is by no means unknown but she is one of the most mysterious faeries in Neopia.

Week - 795

Overlooked Neopians: Tarla
by trixietrotter
Description: Just like the nature of her business Tarla remains a bit of a mystery. An enigma of an Ixi on the top of the mountain. So, I braved the snowy peaks and harsh winds of Terror Mountain to sit down with Tarla for an interview.

Week - 796

What To Do?: Neopia Central
by trixietrotter
Description: Neopia Central is the bustling heart of Neopia, it is the center of commerce and the gateway through which we all entered the Neopia world. It is often taken for granted but Neopia would not be where it is today without the bright and friendly attitude the city offers to us all.

Week - 797

Funny Faerie: Part One
by trixietrotter
Description: “You’re on your last year of school and you still haven’t chosen your element.” There it was. Erana winced as the words came out of the Counselor’s mouth.

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What You Never Knew About Kyrii
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Battledome Adventures (2-1)
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Spiffing up a Mutant
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Spot the Difference! Vol #8
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by snwarren

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