Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 194,845,150 Issue: 800 | 6th day of Collecting, Y19
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword hshtagcoffee

Week - 773

Home Is Where The Heart Beats Quick
by hshtagcoffee
Description: The Haunted Woods is the kind of place you grow up hearing stories about. Elders pass down tales of ghosts and friends who never returned to wide eyed children who in turn butcher it a hundred different ways whispered among friends. When he was younger, it was ingrained in him that lying was the coward’s way out, but evidently that didn’t extend to adults who didn’t want you wandering off in the dark.

Week - 790

The Sun and the Moon
by hshtagcoffee
Description: There are a lot of things he’d always assumed would disappear from his life once…well, once his life itself disappeared. Or, really, what his life was before because he’s still here even after it’s been long gone.

Week - 796

Team Mutant
by hshtagcoffee
Description: It's Mutant Day! Only the happiest time of year for this writer so I present this as a token of my love.

Week - 800

Steal My Heart (And A Priceless Historical Artifact)
by hshtagcoffee
Description: The kitchen is dimly lit as always, Ray’s ghostly glow adding to the atmosphere. Some might call it unfriendly or discomforting but he’s always felt it very homey.

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