There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 194,846,860 Issue: 801 | 13th day of Collecting, Y19
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword _the_spardel_queen_

Week - 569

The Mission to Kreludor
by _the_spardel_queen_
Description: Out they came, the seven astronauts carefully chosen to be the first to go to the mysterious land of Kreludor, nicknamed "Mission 1".

Week - 776

A Curse on Meridell
by _the_spardel_queen_
Description: Aphridite was born for the throne, she was raised to be Queen. Yarce on the other hand, the second sister, would always be just a princess.

Week - 778

Ideas for Designing Your Character
by _the_spardel_queen_
Description: Writers and art blocks can be very real! Well here are my top 5 ideas on make your pet the character you've had envisioned in your head for so long.

Week - 777

The Lost Desert Aisha of Good Luck & Fortune
by _the_spardel_queen_
Description: "So..." a desert Lupe says, addressing the crowd of tourists as he walks around them, "you are hear to seek good luck & fortune from the mythical pyramid of Buthayna" he says with a smile.

Week - 786

The Cherry Blossom Princess
by _the_spardel_queen_
Description: She was most commonly found by the cherry blossom trees, everyone thought her odd, as they preferred dressing up and going to royal functions, and she preferred the comfort in the solitude she found being by herself in the cherry blossom forest.

Week - 799

5 Ways to Get Ready For Fall & Halloween
by _the_spardel_queen_
Description: The weather is getting cooler, and soon the leaves will begin changing colors to the beautiful red, orange, yellow and browns.

Week - 800

Aphridite's Writers Block
by _the_spardel_queen_
Description: Dedicated to my lovely royal aisha, whom always inspires me even when I have my own writers block :)

Week - 801

Shurb, The Cursed Aisha
by _the_spardel_queen_
Description: Our story takes place back in the time of the Darigan War. Yes, you've heard of the great battle between King Skarl and Long Darigan, but what about those who had to pay the price of war?

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