Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 195,005,051 Issue: 812 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y20
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by hamster_z

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Water You Talking About?
Who knew being friends with a Fire Neopet could save you 1,996,000 neopoints?

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A Short Guide to Neoquest
Neoquest away...

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Wrong Stamp
I hope you like this comic entry Scrappy. I can't stop laughing at it, so I hope it makes it in!

by squatle


Celebrating the New Year, Neo-Style
New Years Eve is a time for celebrating as well as a final chance to get things done for the year, along with preparing for another exciting year ahead. So what sort of things can you do to celebrate the New Year, Neo-style?

by kimchica

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