Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 195,085,190 Issue: 820 | 23rd day of Running, Y20
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword jehtredmonkey

Week - 778

Searching for the Best of Neopian Times
by jehtredmonkey
Description: With this article I hope to accomplish a sense of reminisce of the past and to also help guide users to see the talents of the authors here on the Neopian Times.

Week - 817

Change Needs Growth:Part Two
by jehtredmonkey
Description: “It’s been a while, right, Patrick?” Nash, the red Psimouse, spat out the words.

“What do you want, Nash?”

Week - 818

Change Needs Growth: Part Three
by jehtredmonkey
Description: Thank you to those who supported me and believed in my creativity the whole time. A big thank you to Mikey J and Papa Be

Week - 819

Change Needs Growth:Part Four
by jehtredmonkey
Description: “Nash did what?!” Gumdrop looked at the broken shamrock in Patrick’s hands. The only way to find the end of the rainbow was now gone. “You remember the way though, right?”

Week - 820

Change Needs Growth:Part Five
by jehtredmonkey
Description: “Wh-wh-who are you?!”

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Regret Part II
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