Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 195,146,813 Issue: 826 | 4th day of Hunting, Y20
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by ketchup547

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When Dynamites Plot
Sometimes, their deeds are conceived through great wisdom. Sometimes, they aren't.

by tangamandapiano


Of Silence: Signed and Sealed:Part Five
(Kanrik, 6:07pm)

     I’m positive that this is the last thing you want to talk about right now, and if this were any other day I’d force myself to keep my mouth shut, but... well, fate of the world and all, so...

by werelupecookies


Watch out!
How Psellia became the Protector of Altador

by orlovo


Pwned by the Kadoatery
Time to feed some Kads!

idea by sunshine482

by k3l26

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