Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 195,154,657 Issue: 827 | 11th day of Hunting, Y20
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The Witch's Cookbook
The swamps of the Haunted Woods glow a fantastic golden green when the afternoon sun penetrates the canopy. Instead of the menace the fogs take on at other times of the day, in the afternoons all burn away, and the surface of the water takes on an emerald gleam.

by brilliantgrey


Come Dine With Us: Faerieland Edition
In our next chapter of Come Cook With Us, we want to showcase some of Faerieland's most delicious edibles. Every dish tastes magical (literally!), as the faeries who make the food in Faerieland often sprinkle a bit of faerie dust or cast magic spells onto their creations. Therefore, if you want to recreate some classics with a twist, then try one of these recipes below!

In collaboration with lauren92_k

by mel_liew_ming_li


Eating at Pizzaroo
Well there goes our Friday night...

by luvdisc_123


Fyora's Regrets
Queen Fyora knew that it was a bad idea to bring Kaia to Faerieland.

Practically everybody in Faerieland was wary about Kaia from the start.

by chasing_stars44


Stone-Age Getaway: How to Celebrate Tyrannian Day
Located far under the surface of Neopia and nestled between Terror Mountain lies a place trapped in the past: Tyrannia.

by jellikescherrypie

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