Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 195,154,657 Issue: 827 | 11th day of Hunting, Y20
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by ssjelitegirl

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The Witch's Cookbook
The swamps of the Haunted Woods glow a fantastic golden green when the afternoon sun penetrates the canopy. Instead of the menace the fogs take on at other times of the day, in the afternoons all burn away, and the surface of the water takes on an emerald gleam.

by brilliantgrey


Something Has... Interrupted?
Ummm can you like wait please?

by piratesy


Yes, the beach is "grate"!
Yeaahh reall great...

by hunnybunnie


Jealousy, part 2
Jealous Mirli comes up with a plan...

by valokki

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