Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 195,162,488 Issue: 828 | 18th day of Hunting, Y20
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword lauren92_k

Week - 820

So You Just Returned From a [X-Amount] Year Hiatus
by lauren92_k
Description: I recently returned to Neopets from an almost 6 year long hiatus.

Week - 823

Rediscover Faerieland In a Day
by mel_liew_ming_li
Description: Although Faerieland was once voted the Best Place to Live, the number of visitors to the city and its surrounding lands decreased considerably after parts of Faerieland were destroyed during the Wraith Resurgence. However, all Neopians worked hard to rebuild Faerieland over the months, and after this year’s Charity Corner event, the donations from Neopians far and wide helped restore Faerieland to its formal glory, just in time for spring! Consequently, we decided to create an itinerary to help boost Faerieland’s tourism and to guide our readers through the best parts of Faerieland and how to make the most of it in a day.

In collaboration with lauren92_k

Week - 826

Come Cook With Us: Mystery Island Edition
by mel_liew_ming_li
Description: Welcome to Come Cook With Us, where we take you on a culinary journey around Neopia! In this series, we are featuring delicacies from the wonderful and exotic Mystery Island! Take a look at our recipe book for what we believe to be the TASTIEST foods from this Neopian land! Make any of these items at your next dinner party, and you will surely be the talk of the town!

In collaboration with lauren92_k

Week - 827

Come Dine With Us: Faerieland Edition
by mel_liew_ming_li
Description: In our next chapter of Come Cook With Us, we want to showcase some of Faerieland's most delicious edibles. Every dish tastes magical (literally!), as the faeries who make the food in Faerieland often sprinkle a bit of faerie dust or cast magic spells onto their creations. Therefore, if you want to recreate some classics with a twist, then try one of these recipes below!

In collaboration with lauren92_k

Week - 828

A Recap on Daily Dare 2018
by lauren92_k
Description: Another round of Daily Dare has come and gone in the blink of an eye, and it’s time to reflect on the good, the bad, and the…Zurroball?

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Bad Joke Hissi (Part One)
You've heard of dad jokes; well now we have Bad Hissi Jokes!

by dukula


The Found CIty:Part Three
This was a disaster.

by unfogging


Guide to Planting Neopian Flowers
April showers bring May flowers! We have already suffered through last month’s rain (although if you ask any Koi, they’ll say it was quite pleasant, actually), and now is the time to reap the beautiful rewards.

Written in collaboration with sunshine482

by k3l26


Seven Easy Ways to Reach All-Star in the Altador Cup
Written while considering which team to join this year.

by karlynne1964


Naiahtin's Doodles: Antigravity Tulip
No hands, no problem for this little tadpole!

by _kate_e_did_

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