Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 195,233,500 Issue: 834 | 13th day of Swimming, Y20
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword apocalyp2e_arii2en

Week - 820

The Kadoatery Safety Guide
by apocalyp2e_arii2en
Description: This is not a guaranteed guide and is for semi-entertainment purposes only!

Week - 834

An Open Letter to Team Altador
by apocalyp2e_arii2en
Description: The Altador Cup has finally ended for this year, and one Neopian was feeling very reflective on the Cup's hosts.

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Why Gelerts are the best!
Was it a good idea to let a narcissist write articles ? Not sure about that.

Also by Addicted29

by dtrg


Scary Tree comics #2
Introducing SLIM & CHUNK! Poor Chunk...

by kaddisti


Bad Joke Hissi (Part Three)
You've heard of dad jokes; well now we have Bad Hissi Jokes!

by dukula


Map of Neopia
There's a few places I haven't been.

by feeshifeeshi


Handling Your Team’s Loss in the Altador Cup
How to be a sore loser in the most graceful way possible.

by mimitchi880

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