There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 195,283,450 Issue: 837 | 17th day of Hiding, Y20
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword bobtehcat1

Week - 767

Off Limits
by bobtehcat1
Description: Unbe-leaf-able.

Week - 777

An Unexpected Grey Day
by bobtehcat1
Description: Some grey side effects

Week - 785

The Mystery Behind Spooky Food
by bobtehcat1
Description: "You are what you eat," as they say.

Week - 796

Grave Danger
by bobtehcat1
Description: Surprisingly not as dangerous as you'd think.

Week - 813

French Flies
by bobtehcat1
Description: For those with refined taste buds.

Week - 826

Sauce Packets
by bobtehcat1
Description: Resist the temptation

Week - 837

by bobtehcat1
Description: Petpets can't actually curse their owners... Right...?

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They Did Not Speak
Art thou casting thine Spell properly?

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The Big Move:Part Five
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by hannahcreep


King Altador's Substitute:Part Four
Eventually, Queen Nera managed to fix everything. The small yooyu island had been fully repaired, the Hall of Heroes ceiling was fixed, the altachucks had been found and returned to their cages, and everything seemed to be in order, finally.

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Regar and the Potion
The light from the fire was just bright enough to illuminate Regar’s desk. The parchments were rolled up onto each other, the wet ink smearing at the corners. The fire also shone an orange light onto the other fixtures of Regar’s home: the tall bookshelf filled with every magic book under the sun, potions that had been passed down from masters to apprentices for thousands of years, specimens that seemed to move when just out of eyeshot, a rusty kettle atop an old wooden end table, a thick shaggy coat that hung on the wall beside an intricate walking stick, and, finally, a musty cot, taken from an abandoned cabin and covered with moss to add comfort.

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Just mutant things vol. 6
Beware of witches who use Sloth's recipes.

by jacquelineramrez

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