Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 195,313,618 Issue: 839 | 14th day of Gathering, Y20
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword asterozoa

Week - 836

Reasons why Cubefish are underappreciated
by asterozoa
Description: Summertime is the perfect season to head off to Maraqua for a day of fishing! While there are dozens of species of fish and other marine life that call Maraqua home, the best of all of them is the Cubefish. If you've ever caught a Cubefish while fishing at the Ye Old Fishing Vortex, you probably thought "Oh, look, it's a fish that's cube-shaped", and tossed the fellow back without another thought. Or maybe you've never seen a Cubefish - a shocking thought, really - and now I've piqued your curiosity (muwahaha).

Week - 839

Is it Halloween Yet?
by asterozoa
Description: Some of us can't wait for Halloween!

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The secret of Elvin
The kiko is pop

by itsume_tao


Is it Halloween Yet?
Some of us can't wait for Halloween!

by asterozoa


T3: 6 Difficult Game Trophies in 6 Minutes (Part I)
Ever wondered how to get that shiny golden trophy? Or chase up that elusive avatar? With guides abound, it has never been easier to get trophies. Everyone’s writing down tips, but you still can’t wrap your head around it? Talek will take you down the path towards the gamer superstardom.

by talekdolorn


New Chapters
This is an imagining of my recent return to Neopets :) I had first played sixteen years ago.

by marchabun


Lupe Pack Detectives-Copycat:Part Four
I had been disconnected from my family for roughly a week or so, so it felt good to be reunited with them as we headed back to our Neohome even though it was not the longest time that I had been away from them.

by lupe_hunter_7

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