Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 195,320,846 Issue: 840 | 21st day of Gathering, Y20
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The Apology

by fantasiaa_np

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Recipe of the Week: Greater Earthen Potion
Ever wanted to make a potion in your own home?

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Random Oddness
So fun, it's infectious!

by mistyqee


The Curse of the Impatient Seamstress:Part Four
Jhudora slumped down on her couch. It was only noon, but she was already tired. Hissing at people and holding her hands in a threatening manner was tiring.

by rocksysmom


Lupe Pack Detectives-Copycat:Part Five
Before I headed out to meet my brothers, I went to my office and began writing on the chalkboard everything that we knew about the case so far and how it was connected.

by lupe_hunter_7

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