The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 195,379,961 Issue: 848 | 16th day of Storing, Y20
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword kineclap

Week - 461

Adolescents - Zombie
by kineclap
Description: Zombie!

Week - 480

Adolescents - Unexpected Newcomer
by kineclap
Description: How much is forever?

Week - 490

Adolescents - Another Unexpected Newcomer?
by kineclap
Description: Sensitive enough?

Week - 495

Adolescents - Facial Troubles
by kineclap
Description: *strokes moustache wisely*

Week - 497

Adolescents - Yooyuball
by kineclap

Week - 509

Adolescents - Reminiscing
by kineclap
Description: Look what I found! :D

Week - 561

by kineclap
Description: They're back!

Week - 595

Adolescents - Money Issues
by kineclap
Description: How many neopoints?

Week - 848

Uninvited Guest
by kineclap
Description: An unexpected visitor.

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Faerie Customizations
Faeries! Neopia is full of them, and most Neopians have their favourite kind. One way to show appreciation for a certain faerie, is to dress your Neopet up to resemble one of them. In this article, I will be covering most of the unique faeries, such as Fyora and Jhuidah, while also shining the spotlight on the lesser known faeries, like the Library Faerie, Baelia and the Tooth Faerie.

by aleu1986


Gifts For Your Vandagyre!
A few years ago an unknown group of creatures came down off the high mountains, after living for years in total isolation at altitudes never reached before, the Vandagyre descended upon Neopia and made their presence known.

by pixeldream


Between Two Unis
Happy 19th Birthday Neopets!

by carrbot


Petpetpet Predicament
It always seems like you can't get those pesky petpetpets to do what you want them to do!

by umbreon133


Uninvited Guest
An unexpected visitor.

by kineclap

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