Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 195,379,961 Issue: 848 | 16th day of Storing, Y20
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by kineclap

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Faerie Customizations
Faeries! Neopia is full of them, and most Neopians have their favourite kind. One way to show appreciation for a certain faerie, is to dress your Neopet up to resemble one of them. In this article, I will be covering most of the unique faeries, such as Fyora and Jhuidah, while also shining the spotlight on the lesser known faeries, like the Library Faerie, Baelia and the Tooth Faerie.

by aleu1986


Let Them Eat Cake: An Overview of Neopia's Cakes
What’s a good birthday without a delicious birthday cake? Neopia has tons of cakes. Some of them are so decadent and extravagant to where you’d have to see them just to believe that they existed.

also written by breakeven

by tsiegred


The Life of a Paranormal Investigator
Y'know what they say; an apple a day... uh, brings ghosts to your house.

by duoscope


The Becoming of the Royal Thief:Part Five
Night always comes, slowly but surely.

by k3l26

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