teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 195,542,153 Issue: 861 | 29th day of Running, Y21
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The Coconut Science Corner Presents: SKELETONS!

by korbat2_5

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Great stories!


BREAKING NEWS: Cute Snowbunnies Defeat Dr. Sloth
An army of cute Faerie Snowbunnies has captured Virtupets’ evil mastermind, Dr. Frank Sloth.

by _brainchild_


Lost at Sea
wanna hear a joke?

by flusia


The Truth About The Kadoatery
How kind Neopians like you are funding Dr. Sloth's evil missions.

by _espy_


A Hidden Land: Custard World!
Hey, Neopians, I am Ron190 “Ronnn” the Custard Eyrie. Something you probably don’t know about, a very wondrous place, is my home, the land of Custard World, and that’s what this article is about. My gooey paws aren’t so good for operating a typewriter, so one of my friends, Robin329 the Custard Ixi, asked his Owner, mbredboy31, to type this up for me.

by mbredboy31

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