Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 195,555,499 Issue: 862 | 12th day of Eating, Y21
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword tsiegred

Week - 804

Volcano Run II – A Game Guide
by tsiegred
Description: We’ve all had it happen. You start playing Volcano Run II. You get to your best distance ever, and then something always goes wrong.

Week - 810

Double Chocophobia: An Ice Cream Machine Guide
by tsiegred
Description: To some, Adee the Chia's life might be the stuff of, well, dreams. Can you imagine being stuck in an ice cream factory?

Week - 813

Potion Peddling: An Overview of the Magic Shop
by tsiegred
Description: It is no secret that Kauvara is one of the best potion-makers in Neopia. Have you ever used a morphing potion on one of your pets? Have you ever bought a potion to heal it after a tough fight in the Battledome?

Week - 845

8 Spooky Foods to Pack to Your Halloween Picnic
by breakeven
Description: It’s the time of the year again - when the skies set a few hues darker and the air feels heavier as ghosts and ghouls come out to roam the streets of Neopia. Yes, it’s time for Halloween!

Also written by tsiegred & lookidontcare3

Week - 847

Collectors of Neopia: An Introduction
by tsiegred
Description: As the leaves on Neopia’s trees turn from green to those gorgeous autumnal oranges and reds we’ve come to know and love, it might be important to remember what the month is about.

also written by breakeven

Week - 848

Let Them Eat Cake: An Overview of Neopia's Cakes
by tsiegred
Description: What’s a good birthday without a delicious birthday cake? Neopia has tons of cakes. Some of them are so decadent and extravagant to where you’d have to see them just to believe that they existed.

also written by breakeven

Week - 850

Finding Home: A Collection of Letters
by tsiegred
Description: It was just after sunrise when Veronique the Island Xweetok finally landed on the beach. The salty ocean breeze was warm and comforting, and the soft sway and rustle of the palm trees reminded her she was home, a notion that was more foreign to her than she expected.

Also written by breakeven and detection.

Week - 859

Isolde and the Faerie Statue
by tsiegred
Description: There’s nothing really like Neopia Central when you’re a young Neopet from the moon. The first thing Isolde the Shadow Aisha could remember about the land were the buildings.

also written by anachronisms

Week - 860

Isolde and the Faerie Statue:Part Two
by tsiegred
Description: She found herself in a wood dense with trees. Most of their leaves had fallen off. Was it winter? No, it couldn’t be, she thought, because it felt so warm. Their branches stretched every which way and made a lattice under the sky through which you could make out little triangles of a faint purple sky. But, while Isolde was looking around, the sky rapidly began getting darker and transformed from a pale mauve to a deep black, so thick and opaque that she could hardly see the trees anymore. The clouds rolled across the sky rapidly, perhaps a little too rapidly and too close to the ground to be natural. Were those clouds, actually? She smelled the air. There was no doubting it—it was smoke.

also written by anachronisms

Week - 861

Isolde and the Faerie Statue:Part Three
by tsiegred
Description: Isolde was no stranger to falling. On Kreludor, there was a young Draik, a family friend who often visited her home. His name was Egrek.

also written by anachronisms

Week - 862

Isolde and the Faerie Statue:Part Four
by tsiegred
Description: She told them everything. About the dreams, the statue by the house; the feeling that she couldn’t move her body when she awoke from her nightmares; about the fire, the huge pillars of fire; and the strange pink fog all over Faerieland in her dreams.

also written by anachronisms

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