Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 195,623,167 Issue: 868 | 7th day of Relaxing, Y21
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword milkshakes004

Week - 503

The Absence of Wings
by roboticc
Description: All she had ever wanted was to fly.

Also by milkshakes004

Week - 800

800 Steps
by milkshakes004
Description: How many steps will it take?

Week - 811

Elaine's Expedition
by milkshakes004
Description: The sky was on fire.

There was no denying that the sunsets from the dock of her home on Krawk Island were beautiful. Tonight’s display was a mix of pastel oranges and vibrant pinks – a view that could not be captured in a picture.

Also by afsheen_27

Week - 812

Elaine's Expedition:Part Two
by milkshakes004
Description: Relief at the proximity of Mystery Island washed over her.

Also by afsheen_27

Week - 813

Elaine's Expedition:Part Three
by milkshakes004
Description: Elaine and Jaycin had spent most of her first day trekking down the Western side of Mystery Island, exploring the novelties to be found at the Island Market and Trading Post. They had passed the Island Arena, where they had glimpsed a peek at the Tiki Tack Man preparing for a duel.

Also by afsheen_27

Week - 814

Elaine's Expedition:Part Four
by milkshakes004
Description: The next morning, Elaine walked into the kitchen area of Jaycin’s hut attempting to appear as calm, relaxed, and rested as possible.

Even though she felt none of those things.

Also by afsheen_27

Week - 815

Elaine's Expedition:Part Five
by milkshakes004
Description: A stone door twice her height loomed ahead of her, cracked and weathered from centuries of aging. Elaine gulped, peering up at the symbols carved into its rough surface.

Also by afsheen_27

Week - 816

Elaine's Expedition:Part Six
by milkshakes004
Description: Elaine and Jaycin raced through the sprawling passageways, afraid the monster was just on their heels. The cut on Elaine's leg burned, but she didn't care; a small scratch could wait when there was a hungry Hissi chasing them.

Also by afsheen_27

Week - 868

A New World
by milkshakes004
Description: For a brief few seconds, all he saw was light.

I collaborated with afsheen_27 and neon3002

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