Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 195,623,167 Issue: 868 | 7th day of Relaxing, Y21
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword mimitchi880

Week - 832

A Trek With Team Lost Cause
by mimitchi880
Description: Sometimes team spirit is a little like a scorched chomato.

Week - 833

How to Feed 75 Kadoaties in One Week
by mimitchi880
Description: Tips and motivation for the ultra-impatient wanna-be Kad feeder!

Week - 834

Handling Your Team’s Loss in the Altador Cup
by mimitchi880
Description: How to be a sore loser in the most graceful way possible.

Week - 838

Keeping Cool in Neopia’s Hottest Late-Summer Spots
by mimitchi880
Description: For fun in the sun without getting too toasty.

Week - 839

The Beauty Contest Paradox
by mimitchi880
Description: Technically, both ARE true...

Week - 846

Showing Your Love for Coltzan III
by mimitchi880
Description: He's more than just a floating ghost head!

Week - 867

The Top 10 Ways to Pamper your Koi on Koi Day
by mimitchi880
Description: Put your fins in the air for another bubbly year of Koi!

Week - 868

850 Meters: A Kass Basher Tale
by mimitchi880
Description: That plushie has feelings, too, y'know!

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The Symbolism Of The AC Team Logos
We all have our favourite Neopian land, and as such a team that participates in the annual Altador Cup. Many support their chosen team year after year, but have you ever wondered why your teams logo looks the way it does? In this article we will be exploring the appearance of the Altador Cup team logos, their symbolism and how they represent their land.

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Fang's jokes are pure PUN-ishment!

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The Legend of Faerie Caverns
Aiyrorah pronounced (EYE-RO-RAH)

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The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Party Two
At first, it was a distant sound that could do nothing but merely stir the shadow Korbat for a moment. But no sooner had he drifted back into his slumber did he realize that the noise was getting louder. Before long, not even the plushness of his Marlock's fur could lull him to sleep when the turning of wheels and the stomping of feet was no more than a few yards away.

by blueys45

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