Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 195,728,491 Issue: 872 | 12th day of Swimming, Y21
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Digivices Spinoff Comics - ALTADOR CUP!!

by devotedly

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Ink: Inversion - Part 12
I can't help but wonder, how much of that was him, and how much of that was me.

by june_scarlet


Origin of the Emo Shopkeeper

Collab with awkuarius

by __adelaide__


An Adventure into the World of Smoothies
Summer is the perfect time to break out the blender and try out some refreshing, vibrant, and delicious new smoothies.

by josephinefarine


A million NP in a month, how feasible is it?
1 million NP in a month, how hard is it to earn? Let's find out!

by rossthereddragon

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