For an easier life Circulation: 195,748,913 Issue: 873 | 2nd day of Hiding, Y21
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Short People Problems

by awkuarius

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Great stories!


A (not so) rewarding activity
not so nice..

Also by waitwut101

by fleohr


The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Part Seven
Wingen and the others watched in awe. Yet merely “awe” did not feel sufficient enough to describe the way Pillar Grove's tree appeared to gain a will of its own.

by blueys45


Fifteen DO's and DO NOT's to be a Rich Neopian
Are you looking forward to start a new collection, but doesn't know where to start? So here are 15 tips to help you out!

by nice_collector


Form Your Beauty Routine
I constantly tell my pets, “Don’t forget to follow the beauty routine I wrote down!” You see, I didn’t spend thousands of neopoints on morphing potions and paint brushes for my pets to neglect their beauty regimen! Facial care is very important and should be promoted to our pets daily.

by sessduh

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