Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 195,748,913 Issue: 873 | 2nd day of Hiding, Y21
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The Pteri of Doom Strikes Again

by depraving

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Chronicles of the Darkside: Keys to Fantasia:Part Three
"On a really technical basis," the gold draik explained, "you were all chosen ages ago, before you were born. We as fates deliver the news of destinies... And yours is to save us all. Fate, Faerie, and non-magical Neopet alike."

by fire_earth_aqua__77


Different Strokes #1: Place Your Bets
Losers have to buy the winner a drink at Kelp.

by cherrybomberang


Form Your Beauty Routine
I constantly tell my pets, “Don’t forget to follow the beauty routine I wrote down!” You see, I didn’t spend thousands of neopoints on morphing potions and paint brushes for my pets to neglect their beauty regimen! Facial care is very important and should be promoted to our pets daily.

by sessduh


The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Part Seven
Wingen and the others watched in awe. Yet merely “awe” did not feel sufficient enough to describe the way Pillar Grove's tree appeared to gain a will of its own.

by blueys45

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