Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 195,767,810 Issue: 875 | 16th day of Hiding, Y21
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Chomby Crossing

by __adelaide__

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Seasonal Styles: Legendary Loot and Usuki
It is the month of Hiding, also known as another month of arbitrary festivities. That means it’s time to release a set of Seasonal Styles curated by me, the color expert, Pixke. If you’re unfamiliar with my feature, Seasonal Styles are lists of pairings between various categories of Neopian objects, as guided by the time of year and other factors beyond color (though I do love coordinating colors).

by jubileek


Legendary Lennies of Neopia
Welcome, dear readers, to this very special edition of the Neopian Times: Legends and Folklore! Today it is our honour to present you with an exclusive interview of four legendary Lennies: the fabulous Finneus of Altador; the great and wise Lenny Conundrum Wizard; the mysterious Duchess; and, finally, the Lightning Lenny himself!

Also by _razcalz_

by larkspurlane


Harmony's Melody
She placed her right paw upon her heart. “I have a will of iron. Nothing can deter me.

by parody_ham


The Book of the Twelve
Before Meridell, before Altador. Before any and all of modern Neopia, there was the Great Empire. Ruled by twelve ancient and powerful wizards, the like of which have not been seen since, they united Ancient Neopia under a single banner and ushered in generations of peace and prosperity. Their dazzling heights were only matched by their fateful end, for the Circle of Twelve were corrupted from within, and tore apart the civilisation they had formed to protect. From the ruins of this shattered world, King Altador emerged to found his new Empire. But the legends of the Great Empire still live on today.

by herdygerdy

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