Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 195,767,810 Issue: 875 | 16th day of Hiding, Y21
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Just Another Day

by miacirclegirl

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A not-so-nice fortune
what a great fortune wow

by chasingshadow


Legend of the Cyber Vampire
There is a legend that has been told all around Neopia, the legend of the Cyber Vampire.

Not many know of this being, but it's been said that he lurks deep in the cyber universe, watching over the Virtupets Space Station, awaiting the moment he can take control of it's technology.

He's thought to be nothing but a fantasy, a cruel story told to Neopets who stay on their devices all day long...But are they true?

by krabbox


A Faerie with Crystal Eyes
Audriana gazed at the crystal ball, hands waving hesitantly over it. The Light Faerie gulped when, after a few seconds, the ball’s light dimmed before flickering away. “Well….” Audriana coughed. “That was unfortunate.”

by downrightdude


The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Part Nine
Jacenty fumbled in his pockets for a piece of amber as he rushed to the nearest elevator. Upon activating it, he hurried inside. Only then was he able to take a breath and calm down.

by blueys45

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