White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 195,817,072 Issue: 877 | 13th day of Gathering, Y21
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Tech update: Hi all! Apologies in advance if you experience any trouble with some site pages. We are working on improving our pages security and how you interact with them for a better user experience. These tests will be going on for the next few weeks so if you experience site errors this is most likely the cause. If you continue experiencing issue please contact support.

Hi! I was wondering if you could let us know when the Premium sale is ending?
Yes, the premium sale will be going on through the end of September, and will end October 1st at noon. So be sure to renew or sign up today!

Hey TNT How come a pet won 1st place customization spotlight two weeks in a row ?? I thought you're automatically disallowed to enter for 1 or 2 months once you win a Trophy !! I know because I won a few of those myself and I couldn't enter my pet in the next round.
This was a glitch not purposeful. The rule still stands. So sorry about the confusion.

When will the Random Contest be judged?
The committee is grinding away looking through all the entries we had over 250 submissions so they want to make sure they look through them all to finalize the winners. And may i just say as someone who has seen the entries, the caliber of work submitted was truly grand! So once winners are chosen we will then post the winners on the random contest. From there it will go into production, we will write everything up for our artists and it will take a few weeks working/improving the designs along with placing them on all 55 pets.

Any chance we can get some in the NC mall and maybe a sale on them? I am running super low and they really help me get gallery items I need. Please and thank you.
The question was about gbmcs and yes of course they come every month silly. They should be on sale sometime very soon either next week or the one after.

For those of us who are less talented in art but would like to contribute to the Art Gallery, could we possibly have one competition where we deliberately submit bad art and the worst of the worst gets chosen?
I relate to this so much. I am also not an artist either so I understand. And after discussing with kikocat who runs art gallery she is totally down and excited for this. So please submit entries up to 48 hrs before october 1st and the images chosen will be featured in the October 1st edition of the Art Gallery.

Uni Breadsticks is classified as type "none" instead of "Food" like it should be, so it doesn't show up in my SDB when I search for Food. Please fix! Thanks! ^^
You got it! These breadsticks are now stocking at the Bakery.

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If you have a question that you think should be answered, click here and you can use our submission form. The most common/bizarre questions will appear here next week.

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Ferny and the Amazing Juiceland Adventure
Anyone who sees princess Fernypoo nowadays would never think that, one day, she was a sweet, kind and charming child. Her competitive personality and selfish behavior are due tom many things, including years of etiquette classes, constant pressure from her parents, and people reminding her that she will rule the kingdom one day.

in collaboration with _annefrank_ and mimy_fofinha

by _aragorn_


Petpet Rescue: An Avatar Collector's Guide
In this article series, I will share the strategies I used to reach the avatar score for various flash games. I wanted to start with Petpet Rescue, because while it is challenging, the score can be achieved without relying on significant luck.

by costumely


Learning to Fly
“What kind of Pteri can’t fly?”

by neo_kid_851


Poor Neopian's versions of popular wearables:
We have all been there. You wander around Neopia, doing your thing, while you stumble across a pet that is just beautifully customized. The look is so awesome, you realize that you simply must find whatever it is their pet is wearing. Of course, almost without fail, you learn that the wearable in question is either crazy expensive or retired and hard to come by. This phenomenon is well known by customization addicts.

by hottendott


Positive Affirmations
gotta have em

Artwork by aweber

by spotsilver

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