Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 195,851,085 Issue: 879 | 4th day of Collecting, Y21
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Saving for the Golden Shell

by sheepmad4eva

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Seven Falltastic Looks For Your Pet
Hello my fellow Neopians! The seasons are shifting and the leaves are changing. You know what that means - fall is almost upon us! There are so many ways to customise for Autumn, and with all the colors popping you’re sure to have plenty of outfit options. We’ve created six different looks to help you show off your love of what’s the best season! Ahem, in our personal opinion at least.

also by barfburg

by imbitter


Naiahtin's Doodles: Ghost Hands
No hands, no problem for this little tadpole!

by _kate_e_did_


The Book of the Twelve:Part Five
V-I. Haestil, the Pure

by herdygerdy


The Faeries Quest
since the dawn of time...

Also by iggy__koopa

by jesillu

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