A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 195,866,349 Issue: 880 | 18th day of Collecting, Y21
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword _kate_e_did_

Week - 828

Naiahtin's Doodles: Antigravity Tulip
by _kate_e_did_
Description: No hands, no problem for this little tadpole!

Week - 879

Naiahtin's Doodles: Ghost Hands
by _kate_e_did_
Description: No hands, no problem for this little tadpole!

Week - 880

Naiahtin's Doodles: Big Meanie
by _kate_e_did_
Description: Lucky?! Not at the Chocolate Factory!

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Bubble Trouble: Pop!
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The Sea Monster
“Sa-sa-sa-sa-sea monster!” The sailor yelled.

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A Story of the Haunted Woods:Part Six
They headed back upstairs and approached Samuel’s cage. “So, about the safe in the cellar,” said Ally.

“How do you open it? Where’s the key? The combination?” added Saskori.

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Highway to Hilarity: A Caption Contest Avatar Guide!
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