Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 195,866,349 Issue: 880 | 18th day of Collecting, Y21
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Neopia’s Favorite Fall Foods!

by sk8tergirl503


     Fall in finally upon us and Neopia is bursting with the colors of the season! Everywhere you look, fall is making an appearance in our views, the scenery, and most importantly, the food! What better way to celebrate the changing of the season then by cozying up to the fireplace with a mug full of steaming autumn scents and a plate of the freshest fall treats bursting with a variety of flavours. If you are looking to indulge yourself in festive fall foods, look no further! We will help you dive out of the summer and bundle up for pumpkins, autumn leaves, and morning dew. Get your tummies ready - the beginning of fall starts with your appetite!

     Candy Pumpkin Latte

     What better way to warm up those cold hands than to hold a steaming hot cup of Candy Pumpkin Latte. It’s a special twist on the classic pumpkin spice - just sweeter! With delicate little candy pumpkins sprinkled on top, the latte as a whole is both cute and tasty! Upon your first sip, you get a hint of cinnamon followed by a blast of sweet pumpkin flavor. Afterwards, the coffee taste takes over and you’re warmed up, energized, and ready to take on a brand new fall day!


     Although this berry is available all-year round, there’s something about picking an Autumnberry in autumn that makes it all the more exciting and festive! The colors of the fall leaves blossom throughout the berry and the flavors of apples, cranberries, and pomegranate fuse together to create this unique blend. Upon first glance, the Autumnberry looks soft and chewy, but that’s only the exterior. Upon your first bite, you’ll find that the inside packs quite a crunch and the juices of the berry enhance the crunchiness even more. Enjoy this berry in autumn and appreciate both the colors and the flavors of fall all in one bite.

     Pumpkin Pot Pie

     Craving a pumpkin pie, but also want a chicken pot pie? Look no further because we are introducing the Pumpkin Pot Pie! With the best of both worlds molded into one, you never have to save room in your tummy for both separate dishes ever again! The crust of the Pumpkin Pot Pie is flakey and inviting. Once you cut open the pie, you get a dense filling full of pumpkin bits, cinnamon, nutmeg, and chestnuts. Truly the most unique of all fall pies, but definitely one of the most delicious!

     Almond Cranberry Trail Mix

     There’s nothing more refreshing, calming, and reenergizing than going for a hike in the forest during the fall season. Seeing the falling leaves in red, orange, and yellow colors just puts one in a good spirit! During your hike, don’t forget to pack some snacks! Taking in your scenery is bound to keep you distracted for a few hours as you tread along the path. Before you realize it, your stomach will be growling and you’ll have to find a nice flat rock to rest. This Almond Cranberry Trail Mix will keep you in an upbeat spirit as you make your way back home! The mixture of the sweet and savoury flavors will make you think of the woodsy scents of your hike and how crisp the air feels as you breathe in all of the scents of nature.

     Harvest Soup Bowl

     What’s better than curling up next to the fireplace with a hearty bowl of soup? The Harvest Soup Bowl is sure to bring some life back into those brisk autumn nights. Housed in a wickerbasket-type bowl and garnished with (edible) autumn leaves, the flavors of butternut squash and sweet potato are sure to fill your stomach up with warmth and satisfaction! Seasoned with black better and a sprinkle of nutmeg, all the flavors of fall are swirling around in this soup that’s fit for an autumn-loving friend!

     Cinnamon Oatmeal

     A classic, but a staple nonetheless. Cinnamon Oatmeal tastes especially delicious on those autumn mornings! Quick and easy to make, but still healthy, the Cinnamon Oatmeal is sure to fill your stomach so that you are ready for more fall adventures! The best part is - this is a gourmet item! Every spoonful coated with cinnamon and soft oats will have you feeling like royalty. Feel free to add an extra sprinkle of cinnamon if you would like. It just helps to enhance this delicious dish even further!

     Autumn Herbal Tea

     If coffee isn’t your cup of tea…try tea itself! This Autumn Herbal Tea fits perfectly into the theme of the season. Warm your hands and take in the smell of matcha and chai - don’t forget to dip the biscotti that accompany this fall drink! With every sip, close your eyes and imagine the falling leaves and the crunch of the forest floor. The colors adorn this entire presentation. From the yellow gold of the ribbon to the leaf accessories on the side, this Autumn Herbal Tea will remind you of the changing season, no matter what time of year it is!

     Fall Sprinkle Cupcake

     Saving the best for last, the sweetest surprise, and the perfect cherry on top - the Fall Sprinkle Cupcake! Autumn foods are known for being hearty, savory and full of strong flavors. But it can still be nice and sweet too! This cute little cupcake is topped with 2 fall leaves and sprinkled with mini candy leaves in classic fall colors. Take a bite and taste the tang of a lemony sponge cake and of course…cinnamon! Celebrate the beginning of fall with this cupcake treat to remind us that no matter what kind of cold winds take over Neopia in the autumn, it is still a briefly sweet experience, much like this adorable cupcake treat!

     Autumn is a journey for the taste buds! Hopefully you will get a chance to try at least one of these autumn-inspired foods to celebrate the new season. And perhaps there are others that make your personal list as well! As long as the dish or meal serves as a reminder of the beauty of fall, it fits perfectly into what is deemed as a favorite of Neopia during this time of year!

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