Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 195,926,654 Issue: 885 | 13th day of Celebrating, Y21
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We found the following 41 result(s) for the keyword tanikagillam

Week - 332

The Maraquan Curse
by tanikagillam
Description: It seemed an impossible dream, but nevertheless, a dream, a fantasy. And don't dreams always come true in the end?

Week - 392

A Legend Is Born
by tanikagillam
Description: Sayde had heard of the mystical Snowager, but had never had the courage to enter his cave.

Week - 406

The Clockwork Yooyu
by tanikagillam
Description: "Yay Team Lost Desert! Wooooo!"

Week - 412

The Greatest Story Never Told: Part One
by tanikagillam
Description: "He can't let the truth get out now, can't you see? Our story would ruin him, he knew it would!"

Week - 413

The Greatest Story Never Told: Part Two
by tanikagillam
Description: "I said," Sebastian practically bellowed, "Have you got any idea where Dr Sloth lives?"

Week - 414

The Greatest Story Never Told: Part Three
by tanikagillam
Description: "We've had plenty of adventures, Seb! And they were fun, perhaps not as dangerous or as stupid, but they were still fun."

Week - 415

The Greatest Story Never Told: Part Four
by tanikagillam
Description: "I can hear the guards!" she whispered frantically, her eyes as wide as saucers.

Week - 416

The Greatest Story Never Told: Part Five
by tanikagillam
Description: "There! He's over there!" Sebastian broke into a run and charged at the cloaked figure of Dr Sloth standing in the rain.

Week - 417

The Greatest Story Never Told: Part Six
by tanikagillam
Description: "Don't panic! It's ok!" the other one said hastily, holding her arms up. “We're here to help. Listen, Sloth's going to appear very soon..."

Week - 418

The Greatest Story Never Told: Part Seven
by tanikagillam
Description: "If he does have a time machine, one that works, we can't leave him here with it!" Will looked aghast.

Week - 419

The Greatest Story Never Told: Part Eight
by tanikagillam
Description: "Why would we hand over a time machine to a villain who wants to destroy the worlds? How thick do you think we are?"

Week - 479

Before the Tale: Part One
by tanikagillam
Description: "THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!" Jaycee screamed as they were swept out of the Concert Hall by the throng of avid music fans.

Week - 480

Before the Tale: Part Two
by tanikagillam
Description: "Do you even know where Sophie lives?" Jaycee hissed at Sebastian as she glared darkly at their surroundings.

Week - 481

Before the Tale: Part Three
by tanikagillam
Description: "If you're so psychic, you tell us what it is we seek," he challenged with a smirk.

Week - 482

Before the Tale: Part Four
by tanikagillam
Description: "I cannot believe you did that!" Jaycee yelled at Sebastian as they were following a worn path through the Woods.

Week - 483

Before the Tale: Part Five
by tanikagillam
Description: "According to this, we should pass a sign that says 'Please keep off the Meepits', and after that we need to head into the thickest part of the Woods and get lost. Then we should hit Sophie's Shack while trying to get back to the main path..."

Week - 487

Worlds Apart: Part One
by tanikagillam
Description: Jaden had done a few bad things and couldn't afford to let herself remember them. That was why she didn't allow thoughts of very much enter her mind, except for thoughts of the music box.

Week - 488

Worlds Apart: Part Two
by tanikagillam
Description: Orell was the nicest guard in the dungeons of Meridell Castle. He never yelled. He rarely got angry. He always smiled.

Week - 489

Worlds Apart: Part Three
by tanikagillam
Description: The trio tightened their grip on each other and ran as far away from Meridell Castle as their legs would take them.

Week - 490

Worlds Apart: Part Four
by tanikagillam
Description: Jaden crept down to the kitchens and was filling up a bag with food when she was surprised by a gentle tap on her shoulder.

"You going to pay for that?"

Week - 491

Worlds Apart: Part Five
by tanikagillam
Description: The statue of Kelland turned to face her, and when it spoke it was a deep, throaty rumble.

Week - 492

Worlds Apart: Part Six
by tanikagillam
Description: With a sad smile, Jaden lowered the telescope and eased it back on its stand. How easy it was for everyone else!

Week - 493

Worlds Apart: Part Seven
by tanikagillam
Description: "I've barely time to write this. They are coming. I'm writing this with the hope that someone will one day find this and know the truth."

Week - 494

Worlds Apart: Part Eight
by tanikagillam
Description: "Is it painful?" She gestured at his flaming molten skin.

"Huh? Oh, no, it's great. Like being in a toaster during the winter."

Week - 495

Worlds Apart: Part Nine
by tanikagillam
Description: "It's time this story was told..."

Week - 500

Day of the 500
by tanikagillam
Description: "It's going to be epic, sir!"

Also by master_blaster_aki

Week - 519

Beautiful Chaos: Part One
by tanikagillam
Description: "Your lessons have been cancelled today, the King's called a meeting and I need to be there. Feel free to use any ingredients in my stores to make something, if you want a ─ catch that Mortog!"

Week - 520

Beautiful Chaos: Part Two
by tanikagillam
Description: "This is Kayla's," Cedrik said suddenly, picking up his tutor's wand from the table. "I'd recognise it anywhere; she hits me over the head with it about five times a day. She never goes anywhere without it..."

Week - 521

Beautiful Chaos: Part Three
by tanikagillam
Description: "But we're the only ones crazy enough to be doing this. Do you want to come with us?"

Week - 522

Beautiful Chaos: Part Four
by tanikagillam
Description: The sun was setting over the lands of Neopia as the Draik and the Lupe known as Cedrik and Leo made their way through the Pass to the Citadel of the Darigans.

Week - 523

Beautiful Chaos: Part Five
by tanikagillam
Description: There was a faint rustling in the trees behind them and the party of four spun around nervously. "Was probably just a Mortog or something," Milo said confidently. "We get quite a few of those around here."

Week - 524

Beautiful Chaos: Part Six
by tanikagillam
Description: "We've been walking for hours and we're no closer to Cedrik or the Citadel!" Leo grumbled, as he noticed the faintest rays of the rising sun coming over the hills. "We've walked in circles ALL NIGHT."

Week - 525

Beautiful Chaos: Part Seven
by tanikagillam
Description: "Oh, well, it's a long and... really weird story, but mostly it's because we found a piece of paper on King Skarl's desk..."

Week - 526

Beautiful Chaos: Part Eight
by tanikagillam
Description: "You've seen the Forest," she commented, barely loud enough for him to hear. "And it's seen you."

Week - 527

Beautiful Chaos: Part Nine
by tanikagillam
Description: "I... remember..." he gasped, clutching his head in pain. "Leo, you have to get out of here!"

Week - 528

Beautiful Chaos: Part Ten
by tanikagillam
Description: "I really hope that we don't fall through the sky and end up in Brightvale or something."

"You should really work on your motivational speeches."

Week - 529

Beautiful Chaos: Part Eleven
by tanikagillam
Description: "My name is Griffin, and I live at the Citadel, and two days ago I met a crazy Lupe and an even crazier Draik. I lived some of their story, but this part is mine."

Week - 530

Beautiful Chaos: Part Twelve
by tanikagillam
Description: "Leo!" he yelled over his shoulder, coughing as more smoke swirled around his face. "Leo, wake up!"

Week - 883

The Dark Detective
by tanikagillam
Description: “Dark. Dark, wake up. Dark!”

Week - 884

The Dark Detective:Part Two
by tanikagillam
Description: “On the plus side – the rain has stopped.” Dark the Darigan Draik said cheerfully, as his best friend was bent over a bucket, the tips of her fluffy pink ears visible – and slightly green. She heaved again, and he patted her back soothingly.

Week - 885

The Dark Detective:Part Three
by tanikagillam
Description: The plan worked perfectly.

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