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Farming Games Guide: Part Three

by nice_collector


     Hello, everyone! If you have looked on the previous Neopian Times articles, you probably read the first two parts of this guide, which helps you to increase your trophy collection, by giving the strategy needed to be a master on the farming games. Although, on these games, you do not need to be a pro. Besides the strategy, which is very important, you only need to invest some time in order to achieve top scores on these games. So basically, what you need to be a pro is patience!

     On previous part, I listed five more farming games for you to add on your priorities of games to achieve their respective trophies. These ones are, in my opinion, show non part 2, the easiest ones of this complete guide. So if you still don’t have them, I suggest you to take a look on the previous article and spend some time playing them, you won’t regret. For this last part, I quote the missing five games, which complete the list of the 15 farming games. This final part puts together the toughest ones of the whole list, so before checking them up, you should read and study the strategies with a lot of assiduity. Without further ado, here are the final farming games:

     11)Dueling Decks – On this game, you are challenging Zenco the Magnificent, the entitled master of cards, to play a game that he created himself. There are 41 cards available on the game and each one represents a different famous Neopian character. Every one of them have their own strengths, which are "Courage", "Charisma" and "Intelligence". You and Zenco will both start with 10 cards on their own decks, and your objective is to get all Zenco's cards before he does.

     Before you start the game, you are asked to choose the game difficulty, between "Easy", "Normal" and "Hard". In Easy you can choose every round what strength you want to play, maximizing your strengths of the cards you have in hand. In "Normal", if it is your turn you can choose the strength but if you lose a round, Zenco will choose the category for the next round. Though you can influence his decision by pressing the "Choose!" button when the little hand that scrolls through the strengths gets on the one you would like to play. "Hard" is the hardest one to control the pace of the game, because if you lose a round, Zenco will be able to choose the next category, and you have absolutely no control over that. And as he is the inventor of this game, he will make sure he chooses the correct strength most of the time, with the risk of losing all your cards.

     I'm not going to enter into details of scoring. I will just tell you that it's very important to maximize five wins in a row. This way you will win the most number of points possible from winning. Each level has its own points pattern: The "Hard" level awards 2x more points than "Normal" mode and 4x more than "Easy" one. So it's probably the best choice to go for the hardest difficult if you want to win the trophy, as you will win points faster, right? Not exactly. The farming strategy gets pretty tough to execute correctly if you are playing on hard. But the same is not true if you play rather on easy or normal modes. I will explain that in more details.

     First of all, if you have played this game a single time before, you can easily see that scores above 100,000 points are impossible to get if you are looking to beat Zenco as soon as possible. Every time you beat Zenco in one round you win points, but you do not lose them if he beats you on the next one. So there is the secret to farm on this game: Play as many as you can, just make sure you do not finish the game, either by losing or winning. If you both have 10 cards each, you can win some rounds and collect points. When you have 15 or more cards, red alert is on! But don't panic, you just need to let Zenco win a few rounds in a row, so the equilibrium is reestablished. The same goes when you have less than 5 cards. When you reach that stage of the game, you need to make sure to win some rounds, in order to get in the safe zone again.

     But the question is: Which one is the best game difficult to keep farming the game? The hard mode gives more points, although it's tougher to maintain the game, winning cards and then giving them back to Zenco, without losing the control of the match. The easy mode, though, is pretty soft to handle, but gives less points than the others. So you should pick the one that gives you more comfort. If you feel like a good player, why not choose hard mode and play it for some minutes and see if you can balance the number of cards of you and your opponent? But if you want to play safely, I would recommend the "Normal" mode: It gives two times the amount of points that is given on easy one, but it's also quite easy to control. Zenco's category picks if you don't have the option to choose them, as explained earlier. Besides that, the game is all about patience and timing: Keep playing until you have a high enough score to get the trophy and then finish the game like a winner!

     12)Berry Bash – On this game, you will control Rufus, helping him to fulfill his duties as a Grand Bogen, serving all your guests and making sure all of them leave "the house" completely satisfied. First of all, you need to move one waiting customer to his/her place on the table, by clicking on him and dragging him over to the table. Then, get an order, by clicking over a customer. After that, you will need to get the customer the type of berry he ordered. It will appear instantly on the bush located on the bottom of your screen. After that, the last task you will need to do is clean the pile of crumbs that appear over the table by clicking on it.

     There are four different levels on this game. When you progress through them, the difficult will increase over and over, with the amount of customers that will release and also the type. On Level 1, you will only be in charge to take care of Tourists. On Level 2, the Mystery Island Natives will appear. On Level 3, it's time to start serving the Elder Kyriis. Then, on Level 4, which is the last one, you will also need to fullfil the needs of the Elder Kougras. Each one awards you a different amount of points. The stricter the customer, more points you get by serving them.

     If you manage to completely serve one customer, you will fill the berry meter, which is located on the bottom-left of your screen. Although, if you fail doing so, it will reduce as well, and the percentage reduced depends on which customer you are giving attention to. In order to progress to the next levels, you will need to fill the meter to its fullest. Nevertheless, you can end up losing the game if the meter decreases significantly, which means your customers are not happy with the way they were treated.

     So with this brief explanation you can already see the farming strategy, can't you? If you keep serving the customers and "doing a good job", they will leave the house completely satisfied and you will progress. Although, when they don't like the quality of attendance given by Rufus, the meter will keep reducing. The key is to move to a level that you feel comfortable playing, and to keep balancing the berry meter as you serve the customers. The first couple levels are really easy to maintain, but the first customers do not award that many points. Although, the last couple levels award more points, so it will be faster to get points, but you will also need to juggle the berry meter with a little bit more of mastery. So chose the level you are farming with caution. I suggest you to stay at Level 3. If you feel it's easy enough to maintain on this one already, you should move forward with no problem at all. Keep farming with this strategy and once you reach the score you need to get the trophy you desire, end the game and send your score.

     13)The Great Desert Race – On this game, you will move across The Lost Desert, facing some tough trials, such as sand traps, tug-o-wars and strong winds. You can choose two between four characters, which are Tomos, Nabile, Brucey B and Lady Osiri. Besides my worship to Brucey B, I should say the character you choose is not going to affect the strategy on this game, so choose among any of these. Moving forward, you will click on the dice in the right corner. The number you get is the amount of tiles you are going to move, with the character of your choice. The main goal is to win the race between you and your opponent and reach The Lost Desert with both your characters. Although, the game only ends after both you and your opponent reach the end.

     Unlike most of the games on this list, the farming strategy is not quite explicit, but I will explain. In order to score a lot of points, you will need to land on the Tug-O-War tile, placed in about the middle of the path. If you manage to roll four, five or six, you will gain 100 points. So if you want to get a huge score in order to win the trophy, you will need to land on this tile as many times as possible, and also be able to get the 100 points bonus.

     “But how can I get to it that many times, if I only have two characters?", you might be asking. The trick is to place at the red whirlpool right before the end of the board, which will transport you to exactly three squares before the Tug-O-War tile. Pretty easy right? But before celebrating that you won another trophy, first you will need to get one of your characters pretty close to the end of the path, preferably one space before the finish, and the other one will be the character that you will execute the farming strategy with. The reason for this is because you will need to make sure that the farming character rolls exactly the amount needed to walk on the board to keep placing over the red whirlpool and the Tug-O-War tiles. If they don't succeed, you can just use the other character to move. If it is close enough to the end, and you select it to move more steps than he can handle, you will lose a turn and won't move a tile. So the strategy is pretty straightforward, just make sure that one character will be farming your points, and the other one will be your insurance if you don't manage to hit the two main tiles of the board when you are rolling the dices.

     The only problem with this strategy is that if you don't manage to win on the Tug-O-War, you will not win any points for the whole walk you did through the path. So it may be a bit annoying to do so a couple of times and not win the extra 100 points. But don't give up, as you have 50% of chance of winning and with a little patience and sometime invested, you will have your desired and deserved trophy after all. Besides, as I told earlier, the game only ends if both you and the opponent reach the end of the race. So patience is the only thing needed for this game.

     14)Spinacles – Once you advance through the levels of Spinacles, the number of spheres increases, such as the number that are added once you miss five shots. Once you clear a group of spheres for the first time, you get one point per sphere cleared. By clearing more groups of spheres in a row, the number of points you get per sphere is multiplied by the combo streak you are at. For example, if you have already cleared four groups of spheres in a row and on the fifth combo you clear five spheres, you will get 5 x 5 = 25 points for that single play.

     The strategy on this game to get the trophy is to choose a level you are comfortable enough to keep getting big rows of combos, then you take a lot of purposely misses, so the number of spheres to burst will increase again. Once the structure of spheres is big enough, you will start all over the same pattern and get more points. The first levels will develop a small number of spheres once you take some misses, and when you advance in the game, this number will increase significantly. If on the one hand farming points on the first levels is safer, as the number of spheres added is lower, on the other doing so on later levels is much faster, although riskier, as if your structure is big enough and you take some more misses, you could end up losing the game. So it's very important to choose wisely the level you are going to focus your strategy. Besides that, keep the same pattern scoring points, and when you have enough, end the game and send your score.

     15)Bouncy Supreme – It is probably one of the toughest games of this list to farm. The reason is because you only have three lives (four, if you type "bouncebouncebounce" to gain an extra one) to make a good run through the pillars, and it's not that hard to miss. With some practice, of course, you will get better and better and, at some point, it will not be that hard as it once was. There is a way, though, to estimate the trajectory needed to get the bounce correct: just aim at the highest coin in a sequence and control the power so you don't go too strong or too weak. Normally by aiming the mouse in a way that it's closer to the first coin is normally enough.


     If you read all three parts of this guide of how to become a master on all the farming games and to gain many trophies on your collection, you could see that there are some tougher games, and also some easier games. But what all of them have in common is: Those games don't have an apparent end most of the times. You can keep playing them until you reach the score you are looking for, in order to achieve your personal best or to get a trophy update. You don't need to be a master on them as well, you only need to perform the strategy, explained below, and to have patience.

     These particular games sometimes may be forgotten by some players, as they are quite time-consuming, and may get all of us bored once in a while. But if you are already a trophy collector and want to extend your collection even more, you can easily get these trophies without having to practice a lot, just investing some time. So just grab a cup of coffee, relax and let's begin with the farming!


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