A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 195,926,654 Issue: 885 | 13th day of Celebrating, Y21
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Oh My Fudge!

by xlorally


     Recipes in Indulging the Gooey and Sticky Sweetness

     Who doesn’t love to eat a sweet and chewy fudge? I absolutely love to eat them, be it a simple chocolaty and creamy fudge or any other variations of fudge, I will devour them in mere seconds. My recent visit to Kiko Lake Treats with Xmieck really make me salivating in front of the showcase drawers. The cute design and the presentation of the fudge really make me want to buy them all, alas I’m not allowed to do so. On my way out, *cough* kick out *cough*; I realized that I could make my own fudge from scratch. I’m a pretty decent cook, what a fudge can do to me except for being difficult. All I need to do is to purchase some ingredients at the Marketplace, my own small kitchen and my trusted kitchen tools with the help from my little cuties. (Plus a quick visit to Moltara to have some custom made Kiko shape pan being made, so I can maintained the originality.)

     Now let’s begin our adventure in the kitchen. I’m sharing my recipes in making the number one Kiko shape fudge goodness below. There are other out of the world fudge out there, however this time I want to make the specialty KIKO SHAPE FUDGE ONLY (that’s why I have that custom made pan, you can use the plain one if you don’t have Kiko shape pan of your own). Anyway, you can tinkered around the recipes in order to meet up with your taste and preferences, add anything you like as long as it safe to be consumed. Don’t blame me if you got stomachache or cavities.

          1. Peanut Butter Kiko Fudge

     If you are a fan of peanut butter you are sure to be a fan of this fudge!

     - 2 cups sugar

     - ½ cup milk

     - 1 cup peanut butter (chunky/smooth)

     - 1 tsp. vanilla

     - Toasted peanuts (optional)

     Instructions: In a saucepan, bring sugar and milk to a boil. Stir regularly to prevent crystallization from taking form. Remove from heat. Add in the peanut butter and vanilla into the mixture, stir them until the peanut butter dissolved. Pour the mixture into your Kiko-shape grease pan. You can sprinkle toasted peanuts on top if you like some added crunchy texture. Allow it to chill in the fridge for 2 hours minimum. You will find that the chunky peanut butter bits really good that you will kept chewing and chewing.

          2. Maple Walnut Kiko Fudge

     This fudge tastes extra sweet because of all the maple syrup that went in it!

     - 2 cup sugar

     - ½ cup milk

     - ¼ cup butter

     - 1 tsp. dark maple syrup

     - 1 ½ cup walnut (chopped)

     - 1 ½ cups white chocolate

     - ½ tsp. vanilla

     Instructions: Toasted your walnut in a pan on top of the stove. You can chopped them first if you want. Set it aside to let them cool. In a saucepan, bring sugar, butter and milk into a boil. Stir regularly. Remove from heat and stir in white chocolate chips. Add in vanilla and maple syrup. Stir in toasted walnuts. After that, pour the mixture into your trusted Kiko shape mold. Let it cool completely. Then you can eat them. Yummy!

          3. Chocolate Kiko Fudge

     Sticky fudge with a hint of chocolate to make it extra yummy!

     - 2 cups chocolate (semi-sweet), roughly chopped

     - 2 cups sugar

     - ½ cup milk

     - 2 tbsp. cocoa powder

     - 2 tbsp. butter

     - ½ tsp. salt

     - 1 ½ tsp. vanilla

     Instructions: In a medium saucepan, melt chocolate, sugar, milk, cocoa powder and butter over medium heat until mixture completely smooth. Stir occasionally to avoid lumps. After that, stir in vanilla and salt. The salt cut down the sweetness of the chocolate a little. Pour the mixture into a grease pan and smooth into even layer. You can add chocolate chips if you like. Allow the fudge to chill in the fridge until it set.

          4. Chocolate Orange Kiko Fudge

     A tangy, chewy change from normal fudge.

     - 3 cups chocolate (semi-sweet), roughly chopped

     - 2 cups sugar

     - ½ cup milk

     - ¼ cup butter

     - 1 orange, zest

     - 1 tsp. orange flavor

     Instructions: Melt chocolate, sugar, butter and milk in a medium saucepan. Remove from heat. Add in orange zests and orange flavor. Don’t over mixed. Transfer the fudge into a grease pan. Allow to set in the fridge for a minimum 2 hours or preferably overnight.

          5. Vanilla Kiko Fudge

     Some say this is the most delicious fudge they have ever tasted!

     - 2 ¼ cups white chocolate, roughly chopped

     - 2 cups sugar

     - 1 cup cream

     - 1 cup marshmallow

     - 2 tbsp. butter

     - 1 tbsp. vanilla

     Instructions: Place chocolate chips and the marshmallow into a large mixing bowl. Set aside so that you can start with the wet ingredients. In a saucepan, bring the sugar, cream, butter and a pinch of salt to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Then remove from the heat and carefully pour the hot mixture into the chocolate chips and marshmallow bowl. Use one of your trusted kitchen essentials to blend the mixture into a smooth texture or until the chocolate melted. Pour the fudge into grease pan and let it chill in the fridge overnight.

          6. Strawberry Kiko Fudge

     How cute, this little Kiko is made from strawberry flavoured fudge.

     - 3 cups sugar

     - ¾ cup butter

     - 2/3 cup cream

     - 2 cup white chocolate, roughly chopped

     - 1 cup marshmallow

     - 1 ½ tsp. vanilla

     - 1 jar strawberry sauce

     - 1 tsp. lemon juice

     - Red food coloring

     Instructions: First, melt white chocolate using double boiled method. Set a saucepan filled with 1-inch of water over low heat on the stove, place a bowl on top of the pan so that it goes into the pan and fits the edge snugly but does not touch the water. Pour the white chocolate in the bowl and allow it to melt slowly, stirring often. Once about three-quarters of the chips are melted remove the bowl, dry the bottom, and stir the chocolate until melted. Remove from heat and stirred in the marshmallow until smooth. Set aside. In another saucepan, melt sugar, cream and butter. Remove from heat and add in strawberry sauce, vanilla, lemon juice, red food coloring and a pinch of salt to balance the sweetness. Pour the chocolate chips and marshmallow mixture into the mix. Combine until smooth. Transfer into grease pan and set it to chill for a minimum 2 hours.

          7. Buttery Pecan Kiko Fudge

     Full of chopped up pecans and oodles of butter. Very unhealthy!

     - ½ cup butter

     - ½ cup cream

     - ½ cup sugar

     - ½ cup brown sugar

     - 1 cup pecan (toasted, coarsely chopped)

     - 1 tsp. butter vanilla essence

     - 1 cup powdered sugar

     - A pinch of salt

     Instructions: First, make sure to grease your trusted Kiko shaped pan. After that, in a large bowl, sift the powdered sugar, set aside for now. Then combine butter, cream, sugar, brown sugar and salt in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Stir until the sugar dissolves and the butter melts. Remove from heat and quickly stir in the pecan and butter vanilla essences. Pour the fudge over the powdered sugar in a large bowl and stir until combined and smooth. Transfer and scrape the fudge into grease pan. Allow them to set at room temperature or in the fridge.

          8. Swirly Kiko Fudge (Combination of Chocolate and White fudge)

     Super chewy and creamy, just how fudge is meant to be.

     Chocolate fudge

     - 2 cups dark chocolate, roughly chopped

     - 2 cups sugar

     - ½ cup milk

     - 2 tbsp. cocoa powder (can substitute with coffee granules but use half the measurement)

     - 2 tbsp. butter

     - ½ tsp. salt

     - 1 ½ tsp. vanilla

     White chocolate fudge

     - 2 ¼ cups white chocolate, roughly chopped

     - 2 cups sugar

     - 1 cup cream

     - 1 cup marshmallows

     - 2 tbsp. butter

     - 1 tbsp. vanilla

     Instructions: In a saucepan over medium heat, melt dark chocolate, sugar, milk and butter. Remove from heat, add in vanilla and a pinch of salt. Set it aside. In another saucepan, repeat the same process as the chocolate fudge. Melt the sugar, cream and butter over medium heat. In a mixing bowl, combine white chocolate chips with the marshmallows. Pour the white fudge into the mixing bowl and stir vigorously until the chocolate melt and the marshmallow dissolved. After that, pour the mixture into a grease pan, alternate between chocolate and white fudge. Then take a toothpick and swirl it all together. Let it chill in the fridge and you can enjoy them after, not before it set.

          All and all, this have become a really tiring day for me. Running around the kitchen, making sure my cute little helpers use the correct utensils to measure the ingredients and monitor them while using the hot kitchen stove had make my blood pressure climb a bit higher that it supposed too. However, the end results really satisfied me and my little cuties love to eat all of our handiwork including the one that I seriously thought had been discarded. Now all I need to worry about is how to handle five hyperactive, sugar high scalawags that are currently running around… me. Morhven, get down from the cabinet, NOW! I will see you guys later. Toodles!

     This is a public service advertisement in which I will not hold any responsibility for any allergen that may come if you not adhere to my instructions especially for fudge containing nuts. Anybody else, please go nuts. *throws confetti*

     *Xmieck and Morhven are my little cuties, who are helping me in the making of this fudge goodness.


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