Meow Circulation: 196,084,698 Issue: 892 | 28th day of Awakening, Y22
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword amsurito

Week - 468

The Amazing Adoption
by amsurito
Description: This is a true story of how I got my loving Grundo, Mallexar.

Week - 540

The Truth Behind The Bars
by amsurito
Description: May this story be inspiration to all of you careless owners out there...

Week - 542

Strangeness in the Air
by amsurito
Description: Right now, he was staring down at a series of clockwork springs and spinning wheels that were inside of a compass bracelet, trying to fix the cheap thing. But, of course, he had no idea what he was doing.

Week - 543

A Frightening Adventure
by amsurito
Description: A foul stench hung in the air. Perhaps it was the thick green fog or the damp rotting leaves on the ground. Kejolica couldn't be sure...

Week - 547

The Story of Me
by amsurito
Description: Children. What a misleading label for the creatures, for it gives you the idea that they're sweet and perhaps innocent. No, no, no!

Week - 892

But I'm Just a Grape
by amsurito
Description: I’m sharing this story because I think that there are probably plenty of Neopets out there, or even their owners, who experience something similar.

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But I'm Just a Grape
I’m sharing this story because I think that there are probably plenty of Neopets out there, or even their owners, who experience something similar.

by amsurito


Royal Pain
Gonna need a lot of Itchy Scratchy Cream

by winner19955


Dinner with the Scarlets: Marble Madness
Do you realize how rare they are?!

by june_scarlet


Surviving the Lost Desert: Flora!
Today we’re going to talk about 4 fruits that naturally grow in these conditions, and how they might make or break you trip!

by _kyndle


There's always room for dessert!

Idea by Malphd

by linnipooh

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