A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 196,274,205 Issue: 903 | 5th day of Relaxing, Y22
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by ssjelitegirl

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Ten More Cutest Trophies in Neopia
Earning trophies and appreciating cuteness are two things that many of us love to do, but it's not often you get to do both at once! Also by venom_creep

by sugarxcoma


Altador Cup Crossword
Can you crack this Altador Cup themed crossword puzzle? collaboration with prada_prince

by jo_lsw2


Once is not enough
Magnificent! There was no other word to describe it. Something of such beauty simply shouldn't exist, but there it was. Sitting proudly in the heart of Roo Island, like a beacon of light drawing in every Neopet within the area...

by gamelovingirl


~The Golden Quill~
Amy was really diving into her journey of writing fantastic pieces and she felt more and more confident the more she worked on her writing pieces...

by mystify

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