Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 196,453,187 Issue: 907 | 17th day of Swimming, Y22
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword xxautumnxx

Week - 530

Kyrii Gonna Hate!
by xxautumnxx
Description: Blech!

Week - 531

Woes of a JubJub
by xxautumnxx
Description: Don't you hate...

Week - 534

The Mummy
by xxautumnxx
Description: Don't you say anything else?!

Week - 607

Taking Over
by xxautumnxx
Description: Hide yo' Neopets, hide yo' Petpets, 'cause he's coming for everybody out there.

Week - 889

An Unexpected Sunset
by kieselcamper
Description: wow

Collab with xxautumnxx

Week - 890

Mr. Plumpy
by xxautumnxx
Description: One does not simply ask a Plumpy for its bacon.

Week - 900

Desert Dessert!
by xxautumnxx
Description: Chocolate petpets shouldn't take vacations here...

Week - 907

by xxautumnxx
Description: Stop playing with your food!

Week - 907

A Toy's Story
by kieselcamper
Description: He's not a toy!Collaboration with xxautumnxx

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Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder
Sekhegal snorts. Showed what these Neopians knew. All this good dung for the taking and everyone thought it was trash!

by aliceinwonderland18


Stop playing with your food!

by xxautumnxx


At the Healing Springs
She is just doing her job. Collab with sessduh

by chocokelle


Curse Of The Kookith
As much as Asha had tried to put her encounter with the Kookith behind her, she couldn't stop thinking about how weird the whole situation was...

by zuniak


Lawful Chaotic
There once lived a lawyer named Kat in Meridell with her pets... art by curlsandhairbows!

by precious_katuch14

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