Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 196,453,195 Issue: 909 | 31st day of Swimming, Y22
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword eracina

Week - 904

The Music Box
by eracina
Description: "Are you really leaving, Filo?"

Elon hung in the back of the Maraquan locker room as Filo was saying his goodbyes. Elon was personally thrilled to have the nosy pain-in-the-neck gone, but the others seemed to be upset about it. He wasn't. Not at all. Not in the slightest.

Week - 905

The Music Box
by eracina
Description: If there was one thing that Elon hated it as being forced into social situations and gatherings. Elon was an introvert. He vastly preferred his alone time to whatever the heck was happening right before his eyes...

Week - 906

The Music Box
by eracina
Description: It didn't take long until Elon found a piece of paper with The Wizard's neat handwriting sitting on his bedside table. Normally Elon would have fussed over the fact that The Wizard had apparently broken into his room, but right now he was way more interested in what the note actually said...

Week - 907

The Music Box
by eracina
Description: Elon learns the truth about a famous Maraquan ballet and runs into a surprise at the Moltara base...

Week - 908

The Music Box
by eracina
Description: Elon must deal with the repercussions of Filo's letter becoming public knowledge...

Week - 909

The Music Box
by eracina
Description: As the Music Box comes to a close, Elon finally finds out why Filo gave him the music box...

Week - 907

The Neopian Times Series Spotlight — The Music Box
by the__reporter
Description: Hello Neopians, and welcome to the first-ever Neopian Times Series Spotlight! With eracina

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