White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 196,876,363 Issue: 911 | 14th day of Hiding, Y22
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword costumely

Week - 877

Petpet Rescue: An Avatar Collector's Guide
by costumely
Description: In this article series, I will share the strategies I used to reach the avatar score for various flash games. I wanted to start with Petpet Rescue, because while it is challenging, the score can be achieved without relying on significant luck.

Week - 883

Four Unusual Dailies to Do... Daily!
by costumely
Description: If you have played Neopets for any amount of time, chances are that you have a list of dailies. Maybe they’re stored as links on a pet's petpage, maybe they‘re just a mental to-do list, but either way, you do them everyday. In this article, I will share a few activities on my dailies list that are more time-consuming or unusual than standard dailies like Coltzan's Shrine or Kiko Pop. They may be more effort, but the reward is greater as well!

Week - 887

Chia Bomber 2: An Avatar Collector's Guide
by costumely
Description: Welcome back to my little series of game guides for avatar collectors! As always, the goal here isn’t a first place trophy, or bragging rights over your friends- it’s to get that avatar.

Week - 900

Nine Ways to Neo-Flex!
by costumely
Description: Do you want to amaze your friends and earn the begrudging respect of your enemies? If so, keep reading!

Week - 911

Extreme Herder: An Avatar Collector's Guide
by costumely
Description: In this article series, I provide you with the strategies I developed through trial and error so you can attain the avatar for Neopia's toughest games! Today's target is Extreme Herder.

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