Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 197,025,990 Issue: 915 | 2nd day of Collecting, Y22
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword juan_victor

Week - 909

First Day at the Lab
by juan_victor
Description: ...Seriously?

Week - 911

Notable Neopian Meercas: An Homage
by necromancer_6
Description: What better way to celebrate upcoming Meerca Day than by remembering and paying homage to some memorable Meercas in Neopian history? collab with fernandomf and juan_victor

Week - 911

Discovery of Brightvale Crossword
by menosprezar
Description: What better way to prove your intelligence to King Hagan than by solving this Brightvale themed crossword? collab with juan_victor

Week - 911

by juan_victor
Description: Oh...

Week - 911

Bubble Trouble
by fernandomf
Description: Troubles with bubbles... collaboration with necromancer_6 and juan_victor

Week - 914

Its Mine!
by juan_victor
Description: Okay I know what this looks like...Collab with fernandomf and necromancer_6

Week - 915

Unexpected Vacation
by juan_victor
Description: Okay this is NOT what I meant... Collab with necromancer_6 and quigglebaby

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Meanwhile at the Vending Machine...
Aww too bad! Collaboration with forgottenbirthdays

by platinum_marauder


A Cosmic Blunder
Wait so let me get this straight...

by andypopo


Let's move to Kreludor!
Things aren't as they used to be... Collaboration with Chantluigi

by animalese


Usuki Singing Stars #50: How It All Began...
To celebrate the 50th entry in the long-running Usuki Singing Stars series, here is a delightful tale about how these beloved stories came to be...

by downrightdude


Hello, I am Madam Kougara and I am a SEERER! What is a SEERER you ask? Well… it’s a word I made up to describe my gift...

by alphabet345

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